8 Things That Are Stealing Your Time As A Homemaker

Time management is really a key thing for homemakers

Recently I wrote a blog post on My Journey as a homemaker so far and to my surprise it got a lot of appreciation. So I have decided to write another post on homemaking. If you want to see my earlier post about my journey as a homemaker Click here.

Homemaking is not an easy job it requires a lot of patience, hard work, commitment and more than anything it requires a lot of love. You have to love being homemaker, if you are doing it forcibly or someone making you do then you canโ€™t enjoy it. Being a homemaker you should never deprive yourself and you should always have your ME time.

Being a homemaker myself I run short of time many times. It may be like I donโ€™t have enough time for my chores, ME time and doing any productive work. There is an idea among people that homemaking is a cakewalk. They get plenty of time as they say whole day at home. I completely disagree with this homemaking is not a cakewalk. As your family is dependent on yourself. You know everything about your family like what they like, what they want and what makes everyone happy. On top of that there are never ending chores, your ME time, family time and going dates with your husband, taking care of your children. There are a lot and lot of things involved in homemaking.

Hence in this ocean of things there are definitely things which are stealing your time. Itโ€™s your top most priority to identify the things which are over consuming time.

01) Being disorganized: This is the biggest problem of being a disorganized like you should definitely have an idea where you keep your staples, snacks, where and what you have in  Refrigerator, which grocery item is finished , where to purchase, where to store etc. A lot of time is spent behind these things if you are not organized. The above are just examples of kitchen it adds to everything to like when is your kids Parent-Teacherโ€™s meeting, scheduling doctorโ€™s appointments if any, arranging your wardrobe properly so you will find which is where. For a homemaker being organized is definitely a great thing.

02) Saying Yes to every request: As I said earlier your family is dependent on you, but that doesnโ€™t mean that you will say Yes to every request of them. Make them understand how you spend your time in doing chores and ask them to be part of that whenever they have time. Make them responsible, ask them to be part of your journey and if they can do the task then ask them to do it by which they will learn things and they can manage whenever you are not available.
If you say Yes to every request of them there is a possibility that they canโ€™t be independent. You can also use time for taking some rest or some ME time.

03) Social media : You must have just logged in to say hi to your friends and scrolling through  your feed. After some time you just see that its been more than 45 minutes you are still scrolling. It’s one of your time stealer, you just limit yourself to certain time for social media. Donโ€™t overdo social media because you just have time in hand.

04) Worrying :  Worry is a little word but its effects are a lot.
Every person worry one or another time and we all know it shouldnโ€™t be done because worrying wonโ€™t take you anywhere. As a homemaker you might get stressed amid of schedules, chores but it doesnโ€™t mean you have to worry unnecessary. Worrying not only consumes your time but also affects your health both mental and physical. If you are feeling worried then take a little time and do meditation, go for a walk, talk to your loved ones and be relaxed. Itโ€™s definitely one of the biggest time stealer.

05) Lack of focus : Sometimes you are not in a mood or due to lack of focus. You need more time to do things which you do in very little time. As you are not focused things take more time to accomplish. Productivity becomes less and you are not happy too. If you canโ€™t focus then identify the things by which you are not happy with. Then it will definitely solve your problems.

06) Lot of Clutter : If you are not a fan of decluttering then there is a lot of mess happens. You should always do decluttering from time to time. Say you need to go for a party suddenly and you found out that your wardrobe is not sorted out. You yourself donโ€™t know where you kept your party dress, which dresses need altering, which dresses go for charity and which dresses you no longer need. If you donโ€™t arrange your wardrobe from time to time at last minute it will take a lot of time to find your party dress and you end up loosing a lot of time. Finally you will be late to party too. I love decluttering and I follow most of the times. I am trying to be more frequent to declutter things as much as possible.

7) Not having to-do list : To-do list plays a key role in major role in homemaking. Like each day you should know whatโ€™s your chores, what things need to be attended. You shouldnโ€™t be puzzled what to do next. Planning your day/week before hand helps you a lot. If you keep ready with your to-do list then a lot and lot of your time will be saved.

8) Not Planning what to cook : This is never ending saga as there will always a thought about what to cook for the family. You will get up in the morning and ask your family about what they eat. But it will already late as they will leave for schools and offices. So why donโ€™t you plan previous day about what food should be prepared. It should be discussed before hand about what food should be prepared the next day. It not only saves your time but also energy and efforts.

No one is perfect in this world and there is no such a word called Perfect homemaker as everyone has flaws. I shared this post because I myself is a homemaker and I want to help others by experiences and observations. I hope you will find this post helpful.

So what do you think about my post?

Did I miss anything?

Do share your valuable feedback in the comments section below.

18 responses to “8 Things That Are Stealing Your Time As A Homemaker

    • First of all thank you for reading this post Rancy. Procrastination is really a big problem everywhere and also in the life of homemaker. I am really glad that you can relate to this post. Happy Blogging Rancy ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I am not at home much as I work FT, but still have the job of being a homemaker. It’s tough and all those things you mention are so true. I have very regimented schedules and to do lists that get tighter and tighter now that I am having to care for my Mom who is 20 min away and she doesn’t drive. Your list is Spot On! I have to make sure I prioritize but still find time for myself and learn to say no and remember that I am no longer my mother’s “child” and I get a say in what happens with my time, lol. Life is such a spin! Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your feedback. I am really glad that you can relate my blog post. I can understand that it becomes tough for full time mothers who have to take care full time job and homemaking. People who work full time really get short of time and I hope this post will help you even in some little way then I will be really happy. Whatever you do never forget to recharge yourself. Have some ME time and learning to say no may be tough initially but we should make it a habit. I am really happy for your comment. You too have a good week ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes ๐Ÿ‘ Iโ€™m almost 60 and my daughter is grown but taking care of Momma! I didnโ€™t realize how much time it would take but doing my part to see she has what she needs. Iโ€™ll be back soon. Love the blog!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I can see a great bond among your family. I really appreciate you for taking care of your Mom in spite of your busy schedule. Your mom is lucky to have you. I am really happy that you love my blog. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post Manisha. There’s so much that goes into this role. I struggle with fitting everything in because I look after my little one full time too and he can be full on at times. I think it’s important to fit in time for yourself too, like you have suggested. A big one for me is being more organised! I will apply the tips you have suggested to be better at homemaking. Great post. Thanks for sharing. Jade MumLifeAndMe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jade for your consistent support. I am really glad that this post became helpful to you. Raising a child is not easy, though I don’t have experience I saw my cousins raising children. At times it becomes tough and they don’t have time for themselves. Being organized really helps and learning to say no to others whenever its not required really helps everyone. Your feedback really helps me to write more. Have a good week Jade ๐Ÿ™‚


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